Dementia Day Care Service
People living with Dementia in the community (with & without carer support) have access to various group activities provided by organisations such as Age UK, The Alzheimer's Society and the local council. Once their condition reaches a certain stage where personal care is required or behavioural challenges occur, these options can reduce considerably. This could lead to the person with Dementia feeling isolated at home and their carer becoming overwhelmed, as respite opportunities are reduced.
We have created a Dementia Day Care Service, specifically for people who may no longer be able to access groups available for these reasons; with the aim to help people remain living at home for as long as possible and to protect their carers well-being.
This is an affordable service, offered 5 hours a day with lunch, snacks, drinks and activities included.
Session schedules are personally created for those attending and are aimed at improving all aspects of their well-being through mentally & physically stimulating activities. We provide 1 fully qualified carer for every 3 people attending, plus Volunteers and Management staff to ensure everyone's needs are met and most importantly, everyone is safe and enjoys themselves.
From the minute that our attendees arrive at our day centres, we are in their world. They are encouraged to express themselves freely and simply be themselves.
Click the relevant button below to find our dementia care services in your area.